Emotional Intelligence Explained

emotional intelligence Mar 28, 2021

Emotional Intelligence (EI) Explained

(Excerpt from the Book - Emotional Intelligence; Reflecting on the Prophet’s Way)

Edited by Fatuma Hirsi

In his book, Emotional Intelligence; Reflecting on the Prophet’s Way, Muhammed Javad, takes us on a journey to understand Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence (or Self-Purification as labelled by the Author) from an Islamic perspective. He makes us see how these two are interrelated and how together, they are critical, not just for success in the worldly sense, but by being self-aware, practicing self-regulation, being motivated about Jannah, interacting with others while following the boundaries of Sunnah, and following the examples of the Guide to Mankind, Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ, is critical to attaining ultimate success in the after-life.

The term “Emotional Intelligence” (EI) first appeared in 1964 in a paper written by Michael Beldoch. In 1989, Stanley Greenspan conceptualized “Emotional Intelligence” in a paper and later Peter Salovey and John Mayer of Yale University also did a paper on the same in 1990. However, it was popularized by Daniel Goleman, a science journalist, who, in 1995, published the best-selling book titled “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ”.

Daniel Goleman noted that early in one’s career, the intellectual or technical ability plays an important role in establishing a strong footing in his or her career. As one progresses up the ladder, and becomes responsible for other people in supervisory or leadership roles, the intellectual component plays a lesser prominent role, whereas EI and personal effectiveness play a more important role in one’s success. This holds true especially among talented people who are smart enough, above the “IQ threshold”, where EI abilities provides them the edge to be effective leaders and rise to the top.[1] EQ tests have become a standard tool today used by corporations to identify high performers, and leaders, and in assembling cohesive teams to tackle major projects. [2]  

To understand Emotional Intelligence (EI), we can define it as thinking before acting -  pausing, thinking and then choosing the right response, instead of reacting instantaneously to an event or trigger. Basically, telling our emotions to take the back seat and not allow it into the driver’s seat. EQ happens instantaneously, and usually result in defining moments that either make us or break us. Simply put:

Stimuli   >> Reaction

Stimuli   >> Think (consequences/appropriate response) >> Reaction

Global thinkers and philosophers from throughout history - Aristotle, Plato, Descartes and others - have formulated various theories to explain the phenomenon. Muslim scholars have not been left behind and Abu Zaid Al-Balkhi (850-934), made significant contribution to emotional disorders and categorised them thus: fear and anxiety, anger and aggression, sadness and depression, and obsessions.  Al Farabi (870 – 950), wrote his treatise on “Social Psychology” that stipulates high performing outliers do not owe their success to themselves alone but must get social ecological support to reach self-actualization. This view is reflected in Malcom Gladwell’s popular book, “Outliers”, which popularises human motivation. Several other Muslim scholars have written about “self-regulation” and the “need to control our emotions and develop traits to restrain ourselves from our faults.” We need physical, spiritual and psychological strategies to regulate the negative desires of the soul (nafs).[1]

So, what about the age-old formula of success that has been drilled into our heads by our parents, and teachers at school, “Study hard, do well at school and you will succeed”? 

Read more in upcoming blogs.



[1] (Haque, 2004, pp. 362-365)

[1] (Goleman, 2005, p. xiv to xv)

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_intelligence#cite_note-16

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